Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization
Remit 1 Information Session on January 14
As announced during worship on November 26, 2023 a Category 3 remit (a vote to make an amendment to the 1925 Basis of Union) is being held to allow removal of structural barriers that would prevent the development and sustaining of an autonomous National Indigenous Organization within The United Church of Canada.
Each pastoral charge is permitted one vote made through its governing body. The vote must be received by March 31, 2024. The Leadership Team will make its decision at its February meeting. The Secretary of the Leadership Team casts the vote and sends it by mail. An abstention (failure to vote) is considered as a vote against the remit.
Prior to the vote, to inform the congregation and receive input, the Leadership Team will be hosting an information session in the Fellowship Room after worship on January 14th. All are welcome to attend to learn more about this remit. Congregants may also find out more about this on their own by opening the following hyperlink:
Scroll down to Downloads
Click on: GC44 Remit Study Guide March 2023
Ian Thomson
Secretary of Leadership Team