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Leadership Council October 2021

Writer's picture: Trinity AdminTrinity Admin

Updated: Jan 11, 2024


PRESENT: Janice Anderson, Allan Hoyle, Nancy McKeraghan, Peter Mohan, Ian Thomson, Rev. Linda Wheler. REGRETS: Pierre Bonhomme, Mary Lawlis

Allan opened the meeting.

DEVOTIONS: Rev Linda led us in devotions with a reflection piece entitled, “Dipping Your Toes”.

HOLY MANNERS: Janice read our Holy Manners Covenant.

Moved by Janice, seconded by Peter, that the agenda be approved. Carried.

Moved by Nancy, seconded by Ian, that the consent agenda be approved. Carried.

MINISTER’S REPORT: Advent One is one November 28th, the same date as our anticipated Congregational Meeting regarding the hiring of a second Minister. Questions were raised with respect to how that meeting might work (ZOOM, in person). Linda will check with John Ostime about availability of the internet. Someone will be needed to act as host and to post the meeting. Allan would like to have a “written” vote taken.

The refugee committee has met. St Paul’s Anglican Church will be holding the funds. Trinity can receive and receipt funds that might be donated. Pierre is to put a line in the financial statement regarding “Refugee Support”. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be prepared and Trinity will be asked to sign it. It was suggested that a concert featuring a steel drum band might be an appropriate event to raise funds for this project.

This Sunday’s service will include a reaffirmation of faith by some of our members. A discussion around supervision of children during services took place. Janice has prepared some sealed activity items that could be distributed to attending families.

“Crucial Conversations” is a book that will be used for study purposes. We are to read it independently, then discuss as a group. Rev Linda will send us the link.

A Kindness Club is being formed which will meet monthly to perform some sort of service within the community. A planning meeting will be held on October 21st. It is expected that youth might use initiatives to earn volunteer hours.

Lucas will print the letter to Governor General, Mary Simon, on Trinity letterhead to be signed by Allan, Ian and Rev Linda before being sent.

TREASURER’S REPORT: In Pierre’s absence, his report will be tabled until our November meeting.

M & P REPORT: Nancy presented a report.


The Seventh Day Adventists have requested use of the sanctuary on Saturdays from 10 until 4. There was concern expressed with respect to the time requested. Moved by Nancy, seconded by Ian, to support a partnership with the Seventh Adventist Church with space and terms to be negotiated. Pierre will be asked to handle.

Correspondence: Allan read a note from Nancy Stonehouse thanking the Leadership Council for their efforts in guiding the church forward.

Baptism: Moved by Janice, seconded by Peter, that Adrianna Eloise Maio be approved for baptism. Carried.

Honourary Elders: Allan reminded us to continue to consider who might be worthy of being made Honourary Elders at our spring AGM. To date, no one has been given the honour posthumously. This could be a future discussion item.

The Team investigating the possibility of hiring a second minister, will meet for the first-time tomorrow evening. Items on the agenda will include affirming a mandate, job description, performance metrics, financial implications, among others. The group has received correspondence from the UCW Friendship Unit through Ann Blackwell. It will be shared with the team and a method of communicating with the congregation will be determined and shared. More meetings on this topic may be necessary for the Leadership Council. If a report cannot be prepared in time for the November 28th meeting, the question was asked if the meeting could be postponed.

The option of providing inside dining at LAMP was discussed. This is a complicated matter and something that might be considered in the future. The letter to the town asking if town funds could be used to sponsor dinners on Wednesday and Thursday nights has been written and can now be sent.

Nancy has written a notice to be included with the church announcements asking for volunteers to fill some leadership vacancies. She will put an appeal through Charity Village for people outside the congregation who might be interested.

The proposed Thrift Store, located in the Boardroom, is in the process of determining which donations might be accepted. No clothes at this time. Items such as glassware, knick-knacks, jewelry and small appliances are anticipated to be included.

Thoughts and prayers for Mary, Deb and Linda Prior were expressed.

CLOSING PRAYER: Rev Linda closed the meeting with a prayer.

Meeting Adjourned.

Peter will handle the devotions for the November meeting, with Ian reciting our Holy Manners.


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